How to build an AC charger in just 2 minutes?

August 28, 2024

With EVerest, building and configuring an AC ev charger is super easy.

EVerest is an open source framework for setting up a full stack environment for EV charging. The modular framework includes everything needed to support different charging scenarios, from a non-managed home charger to a load balancing multiple satellite bidirectional DC charging site.

EVerest helps to save software development and maintenance costs. Its architecture makes sure EVerest can be customized. This allows companies use only one or more modules from EVerest or to develop custom modules and use them with the open-source modules.

In this video we show you how to build and to configure an AC ev charger in just 2 minutes.

Interested to get started?

If our video has made you curious and you want to learn more, check out the Quick Guide to EVerest on GitHub.