Our vision: We build the operating system that runs on every EV charger in the world
It all started with a deja-vu followed by a finding, finally brought to life in an idea. Make EV charging better by building the go-to open source software stack for EV charging stations.
Before we started PIONIX, we were very successful in the field of drone technology with our first startup, MAVinci, which we sold to INTEL. During this time, we have seen how the disruptive power of open source can profoundly change an entire industry.
It’s our strong belief that the future of EV charging too belongs to open source technology. This is why we founded PIONIX and initiated the EVerest project. Today, EVerest is part of Linux Foundation Energy and driven by a global community of industry players, standardization bodies, government agencies, research institutes and EV charging enthusiasts.
Within the EV charging infrastructure industry, we are recognized as the leading experts for EV charging communications protocols. Many players in the industry trust us with solving their challenges with our best-in-class enterprise products and services, based on open source technology.
E-mobility is key for a cleaner, greener, and more sustainable future.
But we need reliable EV charging to ensure that anyone can confidently choose to go electric. The most robust and widely used software services
are based on open source technology so let's do the obvious: Bring and
utilize the advantages of open source software to the EV charging infrastructure.
We believe in the power of a freely accessible technology for everyone
that offers the opportunity to develop and offer added value to it.
Collaboration to develop solutions to combat climate change is what
drives us. For the good of EV drivers, the industry and our planet.