Pionix License Terms

(Code Version) Valid as of February 2024

Pionix Commercial BaseCamp - License version 1.0

1 Preamble

The following terms and conditions (hereinafter “License T&C”) regulate the permitted use of the "BaseCamp" software distributed by Pionix GmbH, Ewald-Renz-Str. 1a, 76669 Bad Schönborn (hereinafter "Pionix") by you (hereinafter "Licensee").

2 Scope of the License T&C

2.1 Pionix has licensed BaseCamp to the Licensee under the terms of one or several agreements (hereinafte together called "License Agreement”). In the event of a conflict or ambiguity between these License T&C and the License Agreement, the terms of the License Agreement shall prevail.

2.2 If Licensee has any doubts as to whether a certain type of use is permitted, Licensee must first consult the License Agreement and, if this does not clarify the matter, inquire with Pionix.

3 Rights Granted

3.1 For the purpose of these License T&C “IP Rights” shall mean any and all rights in relation to inventions, patents, utility models, designs, copyrights and associated intellectual property rights, trademarks as well as know-how and other comparable proprietary rights – registered or not – existing anywhere in the world.

3.2 Unless otherwise agreed in the License Agreement Licensee is granted a non-exclusive, non-sublicensable and non-transferable license to use BaseCamp as well as the IP Rights contained therein solely for the duration of the License Agreement and for the following purpose: Development, production and operation of EV charging stations.

3.3 For the avoidance of doubt, Licensee is entitled to continue to use BaseCamp even after the expiry of the term of the License Agreement on the devices on which BaseCamp has already been installed at the time of expiry of the License Agreement and for which payment has been made to Pionix. However, Licensee is not entitled to install BaseCamp on new devices after the term of the License Agreement has expired.

3.4 Unless otherwise stipulated by statutory law, the License Agreement or express written permission of Pionix, Licensee may not decipher, decompile, disassemble, reverse assemble, modify, translate, make public, further develop, reverse engineer BaseCamp. Licensee shall not modify or remove content, proprietary notices or labels from BaseCamp or associated documentation.

3.5 In cases of a written permission of Pionix or other cases in which Pionix explicitly grants the use of the BaseCamp code to the Licensee on a contractual basis, Licensee may use the BaseCamp code according to the respective agreement and may decipher, decompile, disassemble, reverse assemble, reverse engineer BaseCamp only according to such agreement. For clarification: without such a permission or contractual agreement, the Licensee shall not decipher, decompile, disassemble, reverse assemble or reverse engineer BaseCamp.

3.6 Licensee is obligated to include these License T&C in any compiled code that is generated on the basis of Pionix’ delivered files or code.

4 Licensee Contributed Intellectual Property

4.1 In coordination with Pionix, Licensee is allowed to contribute to BaseCamp (such contributions, e.g. bugfixes, patches etc., hereinafter “Licensee Contributed”).

4.2 Ownership of Licensee Contributed IP Rights shall be transferred to the fullest extent to Pionix. If such transfer is not legally permissible or effective, Pionix is granted an exclusive license to use the relevant Licensee Contributed IP Rights for all currently known and unknown uses. This license is granted to the fullest extent permitted by law and is, in particular, but without limitation, exclusive, irrevocable and transferable (in terms of duration, territorial scope and scope of the rights concerned) and includes the right to sublicense to third parties. The license includes, in particular, the right to reproduce by any means and in any form, in whole or in part, permanently or temporarily, the works underlying the Licensee Contributed IP Rights (including loading, displaying, executing, transmitting or storing works for the purpose of executing and processing data or transferring them to video, audio and other data carriers) and the right to distribute, display and present such works and make them available to the public (e.g. via the internet) and to transmit and display such works by any means. The license also includes the right to modify, translate, adapt, edit and otherwise alter the works and to use these results in the same manner as the original works..

4.3 Pionix grants Licensee an non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual, and sublicensable back-license to such Licensee Contributed IP Rights to use, operate, maintain, enhance, adapt, sub-license and commercialize such Licensee Contributed IP Rights at Licensee’s discretion.

5 Miscellaneous

5.1 Unless otherwise stipulated in the License Agreement the Laws of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply to the licensing of BaseCamp and these License T&C.

5.2 The place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from or in connection with this License T&C shall, to the extent permitted by law, be the headquarters of Pionix.

Code header:
Licensor: Pionix GmbH, 2024
License: BaseCamp - License Version 1.0

Licensed under the terms and conditions of the BaseCamp License contained in the "License" folder, also available under: https://pionix.com/pionix-license-terms

You may not use this file/code except in compliance with said License.

PIONIX Customer Specific Intellectual Property - License version 1.0

1 Preamble

The following terms and conditions (hereinafter “Development T&C”) regulate the use of Software or Code created by Pionix GmbH, Ewald-Renz-Str. 1a, 76669 Bad Schönborn (hereinafter "Pionix") for you (hereinafter "Customer").

2 Scope of the Development T&C

2.1 Customer has commissioned Pionix under an development agreement, and may further commission Pionix under a support agreement (hereinafter together called the "Development Agreement”) to create intellectual property specifically for Customer (hereinafter “Customer Specific Results”). In the event of a conflict or ambiguity between these Development T&C and the Development Agreement, the terms of the Development Agreement shall prevail.

2.2 If Customer has any doubts as to whether a certain type of use is permitted, Customer must first consult the Development Agreement and, if this does not clarify the matter, inquire with Pionix.

3 Rights Granted

3.1 For the purpose of these Development T&C “IP Rights” shall mean any and all rights in relation to inventions, patents, utility models, designs, copyrights and associated intellectual property rights, trademarks as well as know-how and other comparable proprietary rights – registered or not – existing anywhere in the world.

3.2 Unless otherwise agreed in the Development Agreement Pionix grants Customer a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual, transferable and sublicensable license to such IP Rights of Customer Specific Results to use, operate, maintain, enhance, adapt and commercialize such IP Rights of Customer Specific Results at Customer’s discretion.

3,3 For the avoidance of doubt, Pionix can use, operate, maintain, enhance, adapt and commercialize such Customer Specific IP Rights at Pionix’ discretion and with no payment or any other obligation to Customer.

3.4 If not otherwise agreed between the parties in the Development Agreement, Pionix will anonymize such Customer Specific Results before exercising any of its rights arising from section

3.3. Any confidentiality obligations between the parties under the Development Agreement remain unaffected by the foregoing.

4 Miscellaneous

4.1 Unless otherwise stipulated in the Development Agreement the Laws of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply these Development T&C.

4.2 The place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from or in connection with this Development T&C shall, to the extent permitted by law, be the headquarters of Pionix.

Code header:
Licensor: Pionix GmbH, 2024
License: Pionix Customer Specific - License Version 1.0

Licensed under the terms and conditions of the Customer Specific License contained in the "License" folder, also available under: https://pionix.com/pionix-license-terms

You may not use this file/code except in compliance with said License.

PIONIX Read Only - License version 1.0

Read Only Authorization unless otherwise agreed.

1 Preamble

The following terms and conditions (hereinafter “Read Only T&C”) regulate the use of the firmware, software or the respective object or source codes (“Software”) provided by Pionix GmbH,, Ewald-Renz-Str. 1a, 76669 Bad Schönborn (hereinafter "Pionix") to you (hereinafter "Customer").

2 Scope of the Read Only T&C

2.1 Customer has been granted authorization to read the Software.

2.2 Customer has the possibility to license the Software under an agreement (hereinafter "License Agreement”) with Pionix to extend the scope of rights granted under these Read Only T&C (see also Sec. 3).

2.3 In the event of a conflict between these Read Only T&C and the License Agreement, the terms of the License Agreement shall prevail.

2.4 If Customer has concluded a License Agrement and has any doubts as to whether a certain type of use is permitted, Customer must first consult the License Agreement  and, if this does not clarify the matter, inquire with Pionix.

3 Rights Granted

3.1 For the purpose of these Read Only T&C “IP Rights” shall mean any and all rights in relation to inventions, patents, utility models, designs, copyrights and associated intellectual property rights, trademarks as well as know-how and other comparable proprietary rights – registered or not – existing anywhere in the world.

3.2 Unless otherwise agreed in the License Agreement Customer is not granted any IP Rights in the Software. For clarification, under these Read Only T&C Customer is only permitted to read the Software and only if the Customer has recived the Software directly from Pionix or from a third-party hat was authorized to disclose the Software to Customer by Pionix.

3,3 Customer is not granted any license in the Software. Any type of use of the Software other than reading it is expressly prohibited unless otherwise agreed in the License Agreement.

3.4 Unless otherwise stipulated by statutory law, the License Agreement or express written permission of Pionix, Customer may not decipher, decompile, disassemble, reverse assemble, modify, translate, make public, further develop, reverse engineer he Software. Customer shall not modify or remove content, proprietary notices or labels from the Software or associated documentation.

3.5 Customer is obligated to keep these Read Only T&C in the code at any times.

4 Confidentiality

4.1 Customer undertakes to treat as confidential all Confidential Information (as defined below) of Pionix (“Disclosing Party”), which they become aware of in the course of the execution of these Read Only T&C, and to use it only as agreed herein.

4.2 “Confidential Information” means all information, data, know-how and expertise of a scientific, technical, engineering, operational, marketing, commercial or economic nature, in particular the source code of the Software, whether in digital or other recorded form, which is marked as confidential or by its nature confidential and disclosed or made available to the Customer (“Recipient”) by Pionix or its affiliates.

4.3 “Authorised Recipients” means the Recipient and their respective bodies, employees and advisors, in each case to the extent necessary to perform these Read Only T&C (= "need to know principle").

4.4 The Recipient shall

a) keep all Confidential Information strictly confidential and not disclose it to any third party (other than an Authorised Recipient) without prior consent of the Disclosing Party in text form;

b) use all Confidential Information solely for the purpose of these Read Only T&C and not for any other purpose.

c) take appropriate precautions, at least those customary in the market, to protect Confidential Information against loss and unauthorised access, and at least those precautions by which the Recipient protects particularly sensitive information about its own business;

d) notify the Disclosing Party immediately if the Recipient learns that Confidential Information has been disclosed to or obtained by a third party (except as permitted under this Agreement).

4.5 The obligations according to Sec. 4.4 shall not apply to the extent

a) the Disclosing Party has given its prior consent in text form to the disclosure in the specific case; or

b) an Authorised Recipient is obliged to disclose information by order of a court or authority, or by a provision of applicable statutory law; or

(c) disclosure is made in strict compliance with provisions of applicable mandatory statutory law expressly permitting disclosure; or

(d) information is publicly known at the time of its disclosure or becomes publicly known after its disclosure, unless it has been disclosed directly or indirectly as a result of a breach of the agreement; or

(e) an information has been provided to the Recipient on a non-confidential basis by a source other than the Disclosing Party or its professional advisors, provided that at the time of disclosure the Recipient does not know and could not reasonably have known such source to be bound by a confidentiality agreement with the Disclosing Party.

4.6 If an Authorised Recipient is obliged or permitted to disclose Confidential Information pursuant to this section, the Recipient shall, to the extent legally permitted, inform the Disclosing Party of the required disclosure, discuss with it potential steps to avoid or limit the disclosure, and take any necessary steps.

4.7 The Recipient shall ensure that each Authorised Recipient who receives any Confidential Information is made aware (in advance of disclosure of the Confidential Information) of, and adheres to, the terms of these Read Only T&C, except for Authorised Recipients who are advisers who are bound to professional secrecy by law.

4.8 The Recipient shall be liable for breaches of these Read Only T&C by its Authorised Recipients in the same way as for its own breaches.

4.9 The rights and obligations of this sec. 4 shall remain in force for a period of 3 years after the latest disclosure on the basis of these Read Only T&C.

5 Miscellaneous

5.1 Unless otherwise stipulated in the License Agreement the Laws of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply to these Read Only T&C.

5.2 The place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from or in connection with this Read Only T&C shall, to the extent permitted by law, be the headquarters of Pionix.

Code header:
Licensor: Pionix GmbH, 2024
License: Pionix Read Only - License Version 1.0

Licensed under the terms and conditions of the Read Only - License contained in the "License" folder, also available under: https://pionix.com/pionix-license-terms

You may not use this file/code except in compliance with said License.