The intercharge network conference icnc is a big deal in the EV industry. All the key players meet in Berlin to discuss the latest trends, to exchange views and to network. A new format was introduced this year with the icnc TechVillage, presented by PIONIX and Hubject.
The overall idea of it: Share technical knowledge about innovative EV charging topics, such as OCPP, ISO 15118-20, and other subjects around “Reliability”.
For us, the icnc was the perfect opportunity to get EV enthusiasts in front of the camera and ask questions about the EV industry, current and future challenges. Of course, we couldn't resist asking questions about LF Energy project EVerest and Pionix.
Take a look and hear what (among others) Wulf Schlachter (DXBe Management), AlexThornton (Executive Director LF Energy, Olga Haygood (S44), Henrik Thiele (CEO & Co-Founder Qwello) have to say.